Help Decarbonize Your Building with After-Hours HVAC Automation

Help Decarbonize Your Building with After-Hours HVAC Automation

Buildings are responsible for a significant chunk of emitted green house gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere. Therefore, they’re a leading contributor to global warming. In the U.S., buildings account for 40% of all U. S. primary energy and its associated GHG emissions. While these stats appear bleak, they actually represent a positive when it comes to FMs and owners. Because property owners and managers helm the ship of the Built Environment, they have the power to steer decarbonization efforts in the right direction. By adopting smart technology and building automation, property owners can significantly contribute to GHG reduction while saving money and futureproofing their investments.  

With building decarbonization, small changes can make a big difference. Automating your after-hours HVAC program is an easy first step to reducing your property’s carbon footprint. You don’t need to take out a loan to invest in automation tech either. Online tools like cloud-based after-hours HVAC apps are inexpensive and simple to integrate with your existing BMS.     

Cut Mistakes, Cut Waste 

While after-hours request programs vary, the standard process works like this: the tenant fills out a work request for after-hours air conditioning or heating. Staff members record the request. The building engineer programs the HVAC to fulfill the request. The air con/heating is delivered at the require day and time. The property manager invoices the tenant at the end of the month.  

Every step in this manual request process is an opportunity for errors to crop up. Forgotten emails, data entry mistakes and missed change requests are all more likely with a manual process. Mistakes cost time and energy, whether its extra lighting, access gates, lift rides or added HVAC service itself.  

After-hours HVAC booking apps replace these manual step with wireless technology and network connections. Tenants create requests via a mobile or desktop app. The system then interfaces with the building’s BMS to schedule the request. The tenant, time and date are automatically logged, and the BMS delivers heating and air con on the requested days. By automating these steps, you cut out the wasted energy and help lower your carbon footprint.

pressing thermostat button versus using cellphone

Push Buttons vs. Cloud-Based Apps 

Push button systems for activating HVAC service eliminate some, but not all, of the manual steps. They’re designed to deliver service as requested, giving tenants easy access to and control over HVAC operation. However, their openness can be a liability.  Since anyone within the building can request service, savings from push button controls are often undermined by their public access.

There are no guards against everyone (ex. maintenance or cleaning staff) from accessing controls. So, unauthorized access can lead to unaccounted and wasted energy use. It’s also easy for occupants to “hit the button” minutes before leaving the room or floor, resulting in wasted energy from heating and cooling unoccupied spaces.  

After-hours HVAC apps reduce energy waste by limiting access to the platform. In a cloud-based system, only authorized users can create HVAC requests. And the system records both the request and the requester. So owners always know who requests services. Plus, tenants can re-schedule and cancel bookings from anywhere there’s an internet connection. This helps save energy by eliminating empty room heating and cooling.

Data Equals Decarbonization 

Automation goes hand-in-hand with data. Today’s smart sensors, IoT devices, machine learning, AI, digital twins, and BMS integration all point to the eventual integration of every building systems. In the near future, fire systems will “talk” with access systems to track occupants during an emergency. Access systems will work in tandem with HVAC systems to adjust heating and cooling demands based on occupancy levels. Building management systems will connect to utility providers to shift energy usage during peak demand. Such interoperability is already evolving, but it requires data to work properly.  

By automating your HVAC requests, you can collect data on how and when your tenants are requesting HVAC services and use it to conserve energy. For example, you can identify seasonal trends and make targeted improvements and retrofits for specific zones of your property. Automation puts you in a better position to transition your property into a smart building and futureproof your assets. 

Documenting Your After-Hours AC for NABERS

Documenting Your After-Hours AC for NABERS

Counting every kWh your property uses is important for your NABERS Energy Rating assessment. The more detailed your records, the more accurate your rating will be. Getting a true picture of your energy consumption means including and documenting your after-hours air conditioning (AHAC) service.     

The NABERS Preparing for Office Rating Guide is a helpful resource for identifying what basic information to gather. But the guide doesn’t get into the specifics around documentation for AHAC. Documenting AHAC hours can be tricky given they’re usually tracked separately from normal operating hours. For a deeper dive, we recommend the NABERS Energy and Water for Offices Rules v.5.1. Although this resource is as a guide for assessors, it also provides valuable insights for FMs and property managers. 

The Rules around AHAC are complex and hard to drudge through, so we’ve done the work for you. Below is a breakdown of the NABERS Rules for documenting AHAC, which will better prepare you for your assessment. 

Rated Hours

NABERS assessors calculate the total number of hours per week your building is occupied—your rated hours. Assessors use your rated hours along with your annual kWh usage and other factors to determine your efficiency rating. 

To calculate your rated hours, assessors will look at your core hours. These are your normal operating hours per week (e.g., 8 am to 6 pm). Core hours are usually listed within the owner/tenant agreement (OTA), and the assessor will likely use your OTA to help determine these. 

To increase accuracy, assessors also include any AHAC hours. Your HVAC system uses energy to produce the AHAC service, so you should count these hours too. Any missing AHAC hours skew your total rated hour count, lowering your NABERS rating. And the impact will be proportionate to the total hours demanded. That is, the more AHAC hours omitted from your rated hours, the more inefficient your property will appear. 

AHAC Documentation

The negative impact of omitting AHAC hours is why it’s critical to keep accurate logs of tenant requests. For NABERS, not just any records will do either. Assessors must deem data “acceptable” or else include it in the calculation. The NABERS Rules lists the following types of “acceptable data.”  

Tenant Requests

Section of the NABERS Rules addresses AHAC requests and states that “acceptable data” includes:

  1. Logs of AHAC requests by tenants, showing the date and time of each request and the functional space to which it applied; and
  2. Evidence of other AHAC requests, such as correspondence between the tenant and the owner or building manager or information written into the OTA which has been verified to be correct and up-to-date. This evidence must include the date, time and space to which AHAC has been agreed to be applied.

Therefore, an example of acceptable documentation might be an automated entry from an after-hours HVAC app that records date, time, floor and tenant. Unacceptable documentation might be a tenant email listing only the requested date and time. The most important part of accurate documentation is the tenant’s request, so keep this in mind when setting up your request process.   

Overlapping Hours

To be considered rated hours, AHAC hours also can’t overlap with your core hours. So you’ll need acceptable documentation showing their separation. Section 8.3.2 of the Rules explains that to include AHAC hours, you must provide:

  1. Evidence that no AHAC has been counted during the Core Hours and during the plant start-up period or the hour before the start of Core Hours if the plant start-up period is unknown;

One thing to note here: NABERS focuses heavily on counting only “comfort condition” hours— times when internal temps are appropriate for occupancy. Assessors assume that comfort conditions are not met during the start-up time for your plant. For that reason, you can’t count any AHAC hours that occur during start-up times for your system. If you can’t provide evidence of the actual run up times for temps, assessors will assume one hour. 

Example: Your OTA lists your core hours from “8 a.m. to 6 p.m.” Your normal plant start-up time begins at 7 a.m. to reach comfort conditions. Tenant A requests AHAC from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. on Wednesday, but your start-up time for Wednesday stays at 7 a.m. (i.e., AHAC and start-up begin at the same time). Since your building isn’t at “comfort conditions” by  7 a.m. on Wednesday, you can’t count that AHAC hour towards your rated hours.

graph showing business hours vs after hours

Zones and Functional Spaces

To calculate AHAC hours, NABERS assessors also need to divide your net lettable area (NLA) into functional spaces— specific areas of your building. Functional spaces can be based on tenancy distinctions (i.e., leases) or physical ones (e.g. HVAC zones), but variations often happen. For example, multiple tenants could occupy the same functional space by leasing the same floor. In contrast, a single tenant might occupy separate functional spaces. 

Regardless, the goal of defining functional spaces is to group areas with the same periods of occupancy so assessors can calculate the effects of vacancies and different operational hours on your building’s efficiency. 

For facilities managers, the important thing to note is that AHAC requests need to reference their correct functional spaces. This is especially important when multiple tenants share the same functional spaces. Accurate records and detailed building schematics are essential, and assessors will use them to calculate your rated hours. To this end, Section 8.3.2 of the Rules requires documentation in the form of:

  1. Drawings and measurements showing AHAC zones for requests serving different zones within a single functional space.

If the NABERS assessor can’t locate detailed areas for different AHAC zones, they will use the smallest area available or else average hours together. Either way, any guesswork will lower the accuracy of your rated hours.

The rules around multiple tenants sharing functional spaces and zones can get quite complex. So, read section 5.3.3 of the NABERS Rules to see what situation fits your properties the most. 


The way your NABERS assessor handles your AHAC consumption will depend on several factors. One of those is how they arrive at your core hours. There are several methods for doing this, which depends on what data you make available. The assessor may determine your core hours from your lease. If data is missing, they may need to calculate an average, and when estimates are involved, you can bet they won’t likely benefit your rating. In the end, the key is proper and thorough documentation of your AHAC requests, HVAC zones, and NLA.